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Bone & Joint Health

Vitamins & Minerals

Healthy bones vitamins. Joint supplements. Bones and joints provide structure, protect our organs and store calcium.


MSM supplements

MSM is an important building block for healthy bones and joints. It’s effect is even greater when MSM is combined with Glucosamine.


Glucosamine is a natural compound important for healthy cartilage. People use it to treat Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

Collagen supplements

Collagen is the most plentiful protein in the human body. It keeps skin supple and supports the cartilage in joints.

Mussels, Boswellia

Green-lipped mussel and Boswellia serrata supplements can significantly improve knee joint pain, stiffness and mobility.

Fatty acids

Fatty acids, including Omega-3 can prevent or improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, swollen and tender joints.

Discover the whole range

Here are four of the top supplements for healthy bones:

Bone is a living tissue, new bone is made and old bone is lost throughout your life. However, as we age fewer minerals are deposited than are dissolved so bone density starts to decline.

Same thing, the joints wear with age, obesity, physical activity, performing professional activities and everyday life. The joints wear with the natural ageing process of our body.

It is recommended that we supplement components of synovial fluid, i.e. hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate in our joints.

Explore our range of food supplements designed to protect and strengthen bones and joints for prophylaxis as well as ease the pain and joint stiffness.

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