NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), 60 caps.


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EAN: 6430039222755 SKU: 4001814 Categories: , Tag:
Puhdistamo Finnish manufacture


NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) is a comprehensive supplement, which contains essential R-lipoic acid, selenium and molybdenum in addition to N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine.

Clears Airways and Breaks-up Mucus

NAC is a highly stable and bioavailable form of the amino acid cysteine. Amino acids are compounds used by the body for a number of functions including to form proteins. Proteins are required by the human body for the repair, maintenance and growth of tissue where they perform structural roles.

Developed and manufactured in Finland.
Country of origin USA.

This product supports your endurance and well-being in the middle of a busy everyday life. The selenium contained in the product strengthens the normal functioning of the immune system, in addition to which it also supports the well-being of hair and nails and protects cells from oxidative stress. Molybdenum promotes the body’s normal sulfur metabolism.

Maximize the effect of the product by using it in combination with Vitamin C which further enhances absorption.

Recommended Daily Intake

1-2 capsules per day. Each capsule contains 300 mg of N-acetyl-L-cysteine.


As per daily intake of 1 caps./ 2 caps.

  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 300 mg/ 600 mg
  • R-lipoic acid 30 mg/ 60 mg
  • Selenium 25 µg (50% *)/ 50 µg (100% *)
  • Molybdenum 25 µg (50% *)/ 50 µg (100% *)

* % EC NRV


N-acetyl-L-cysteine, R-lipoic acid, selenomethionine, sodium molybdate, acacia fiber. Capsule: Cellulose, water / N-acetyl-L-cysteine, R-lipon syrup, selenomethionine, sodium molybdate, acacia fiber. Capsule: Cellulosa, cotton wool.

NAC is a precursor nutrient for glutathione, the human body’s self-made super antioxidant. In this way it helps the body maintain its natural defence. NAC acts as a potent antioxidant and powerful anti-mucolytic, a molecule that breaks down and actually thins mucus.

By breaking up mucus, NAC prevents the build-up that irritates and blocks airways. As an antioxidant, it supports your body in fighting the inflammation that constricts airways.

✔ A review of NAC used in 12 clinical trials involving 2,691 patients reported those who used it regularly had fewer attacks of shortness of breath and coughing fits

✔ NAC helped reduce attacks in patients with breathing problems

Lung Support

✔ Break-up mucus build-up

✔ Help reduce inflammation in the lungs and airways

✔ Relax and calm airways

✔ Soothe and ease the body’s coughing response

Suitable for

Suitable for adults. Suitable for vegans.


Completely free from gelatin, lactose, gluten, wheat, dairy, fillings, additives, ingredients of animal origin.



Puhdistamo Finnish manufacture


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