


Children’s rapid development means they have a heightened demand for certain nutrients. However, it’s important to bear in mind that all nutrients play a role in some way or another. Healthy, well-balanced diet is the best way to help children get the nourishment they need.

Vitamin D is hard-to-get vitamin which is essential for normal bone development in babies, children and adults.

Known as the sunshine vitamin, most of body’s supply comes from skin exposure to summer sunlight. However, in some countries this is only possible between April and September when the sun’s UVB rays can reach our skin.

Zinc aids healing and plays a role in the creation of new cells. It is an important nutrient for children’s development, both now and as they continue to grow.

Vitamin C has skin-healing properties which are vital to help any bumps and scrapes children have to repair. It also helps their body absorb iron and encourages the development of white blood cells, which help to fight infection.

Vitamin A is important for children’s visual development and helps them to see in dim light. It also supports their immune system and helps maintain healthy skin.

Explore our range of vitamins recommended for children.

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